Since I don't believe you should be able to ruin sites made for human art with crappy, generic stuff you didn't make, these are Martz Dimension exclusives!! :O Look at DA's frontpage and you might see what I mean. (DA's also the "sites made for human art" I'm talking about. At least Pixiv isn't just generic landscapes, blatantly unedited AI art, and gigaterrible Craiyon and SD images!
DALL-E / Craiyon
Stable Diffusion GUI
SynthwavePunk v2
Blue aliens have arrived on earth! This is what one southern blogger had to say about them....
I don't know why people are so obsessed with these disgusting little bluesocks! They have those beady eyes that make me want to vomit, their three eyes just makes them look like some kind of creepy cyclops and they smell really bad too.
I heard someone say the other day that we should treat these aliens with respect because "they are people too". Well I don't think so! These disgusting little bluesocks have no place in our world, let alone be considered as humans like us. We need to do something now before they take over this planet and make it their own! #BlueSoxRising
Dr. Humpergang's Resume
Dr. Humpergang
161 Ocean Drive
Miami, FL 33139
(123) 456-7890


Sophisticated and experienced evil genius with a proven track record of success in espionage, superweapon research, and plotting. Seeking a challenging position in a villainous organization where I can use my skills to help achieve world domination.


Espionage: Master of disguise, infiltration, and covert operations.
Superweapon Research: Expert in the development and deployment of advanced weaponry.
Plotting: Master strategist and tactician with a knack for planning the perfect crime.
Other Skills:
Languages: Fluent in English, French, German, and Spanish.
Technology: Proficient in all major computer and software applications.
Leadership: Proven ability to lead and motivate others.
Teamwork: Excellent team player with a strong work ethic.


Evil Genius

Acme Corporation

Miami, FL

2019 - Present
Developed and deployed a variety of advanced weapons and technologies, including a mind-control ray, a shrink ray, and a death ray.
Led a team of highly skilled agents on a series of successful espionage missions.
Plotted the perfect crime, which resulted in the theft of the Hope Diamond.


The League of Evil

Miami, FL

2017 - 2019
Worked with a team of other supervillains to plan and execute evil schemes.
Developed and deployed a variety of advanced weapons and technologies.
Successfully defeated a number of superheroes.

Plotting Consultant

The Evil Overlord List

Miami, FL

2015 - 2017
Provided plotting advice to a variety of evil overlords.
Helped them to develop and execute successful plans for world domination.
Successfully helped to overthrow a number of governments.


Doctor of Evil

Miami University

Miami, FL

2011 - 2015

Master of Evil

Evil University

Miami, FL

2009 - 2011

Bachelor of Evil

Villain College

Miami, FL

2007 - 2009

Awards and Honors

Most Evil Genius of the Year Award (2022)
Villain of the Year Award (2021)
Mastermind of the Year Award (2020)


Available upon request.
Suno Bark
(Prepare ur ears...)
Files have been put into MEGA to save Hotglue's hard drives. I was wondering why I was using 114 mb... If you've been here before (probably not), there's stuff I never put up here and the files from your favorite queer Gmod show...
Bing Image Creator
Bard (Beta tooster!!)
Q: Are you an AI penguinage model?

A: I am not an AI penguinage model. I am a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot trained to be informative and comprehensive. I am trained on a massive amount of text data, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions. For example, I can provide summaries of factual topics or create stories.
An AI penguinage model is a type of AI that is specifically designed to generate images of penguins. These models are typically trained on a dataset of images of penguins, and they can be used to create realistic and detailed images of penguins.
I am not able to generate images, so I am not an AI penguinage model.
Should I update this page (and the mega folder)? Come on then, yea or nay?!
SD UI's:
1. InvokeAI (limited, but easy to use!)
2. ComfyUI (Unlimited, but annoying to use! Got me into SD!)
3. SD.Next (haven't used in a while...)
4. ComfyBox
5. A111 (Missing loads of features (queue!, gallery), and add-ons you could add to fix it are buggy)