1 - Pac-Man
2 - Donkey Kong
3 - OutRun
4 - Berzerk / Frenzy
5 - Space Invaders
6 - Robotron
6 - Sunset Riders (Yeehaw!)
7 - KOF '02
8 - After Burner 2
9 - Quantum
9 - Galaga
10 - Centipede
11 - Joust
12 - Sinistar
13 - Q*Bert
14 - I, Robot
18 - Tapper (-6 for making meh rage)
With how many crappy and confusing games the 2600 has, it's weird that I think it's one of the top 10 best consoles. Simple graphics, simple games.

1 - Tron: Deadly Discs
1 - Missile Command (Better than arcade version)
2 - Yars' Revenge

3 - Frogs & Flies (Would've sucked when it came out, now it's strange and is oddly relaxing. There's no pause, no start, no game modes - it can even play itself!)

3 - Ice Hockey
4 - Laser Blast
5 - Barnstorming
6 - River Raid
7 - Commando Raid
8 - Frostbite
9 - Freeway
11 - Pitfall!
12 - Beamrider
13 - Robot Tank
14 - Kaboom!
15 - Fishing Derby
16 - Fast Food
17 - Seaquest
18 - Stampede
19 - Boxing
20 - Adventure
21 - Skiing

HM: Color Bar Generator, Custer's Revenge
Same as Atari, only longer, harder, and sometimes more confusing more often. Also, life systems! ...Even though the devs couldn't wring quarters from you since it's a home console, so it's just a blight of a feature. ...Still, I'd kill to be a kid in the 80's playing NES all Saturday.

-2 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Up (1)2 spots for being so great :D)
-1 - Pipe Dream (Plus 2 places for favorite puzzle game, I guess... These rankings are all out of order...)
1 - Tetris
2 - Tecmo Super Bowl
2 - Dig-Dug / Dig Dug II
3 - Baseball Simulator 1.000 (+3 for favorite baseball game. There might be better modern ones, but I wouldn't know...)
4 - Hogan's Castle
4 - Excitebike
4 - BattleCity
5 - Microsoft Windows 98
6 - Adventure Island II
7 - Excitebike
8 - Rad Racer II
9 - Duck Hunt
10 - Super Mario Bros. / 2 [Lost Levels]
11 - Balloon Fight
12 - Blaster Master (On concept)
13 - Punch-Out!!
14 - Kiwi Kraze (Probably a baby game (no contact damage, no dying from water...a lot like Spyro 2, actually), but so is Mario, and people don't have a problem with that...)
15 - Joust (-8 for showing its face again)
20 - Any of the 6 Mega Man games (-13 for rage)
1000 - Ghosts'n'Goblins (-999 for twisted mind-shattering ultra-rage) (At least there's technically no long as you remember to push continue on the main menu. If not, happy restart! Also, redundant life system. Also...Ghosts'n'Goblins.)

HM: StarTropics, Paperboy, Baseball Simulator 1.000, Chubby Cherub

ILLEGAL: Pac-Man Championship Edition (Rom hack)
1 - Vegas Stakes
3 - (Mainly) Tetris & Dr. Mario
3 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
4 - Lamborghini American Challenge (Would be much better without stupid entry fees...)
4 - Arkanoid: Doh It Again
4 - NBA (BOOMSH) Jam Tour (BOOMSHAK) ney Editi (AKALAKA) on (-0 for cheating bots)
6 - Gunstar Heroes
5 - Turn and Burn: No Fly Zone
6 - DK Country
7 - F-Zero
Worst companies:
1 - Nintendo
(Of course, Nintendo makes high-quality games that ooze with charm and personality, but with how they like to rip off and demoralize fans makes me think it's all a mask to cover up their utterly vile marketing and legal departments. It's even worse that their fans are daft enough to buy just about anything they release. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't the biggest game studio on the planet...
I reckon do your part if you're also angry and not buy Nintendo stuff. In fact, to piss off their legal team, emulate as much of their stuff as you can!)

2 - Activision
(Used to be good 20-something years ago, now only makes crappy FPS games. The only good games they seem to release these days are all remakes. Speaking of, why flaunt CTR NF if you're never gonna port it to PC?)

3 - EA (Not good.)

4 - EA (Did you like 3 - EA? Well, heres another one with a new numbor and better grafics! Nevormind teh bade grammer, only eediots bothor putting more than 5% of the buget in the text part of a piece of text. Youd think no one wood buy this, but retardad ass munkies, AKA maynstrem gamors, are gonna eat it up! I guess what I'm trying to say here is EA sucks my balls.)
-12 - Sonic 3 (Although I've never played it on its own, it's much shorter than doing the whole S3k experience and doesn't have two first levels.)

-11 - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Plus 12 places for potential favorite game ev4r. In fact, maybe not potentially my favorite game! I've demoted myself to being only a partial Sonic fan (even though I've been one since I was a kid) since I don't even like most Sonic games. If I didn't consider S3K pretty much the best game of the 5th generation (and the only 5th gen game I've ever beaten), I probably wouldn't bother calling myself a Sonic fan anymore.)

-10 - Sonic & Knuckles (Also never played on its own, I can only imagine how undramatic Death Egg is after playing for only an hour or so... Besides Flying Battery and Sky Sanctuary, levels aren't as good as regular Sonic 3. Not to mention it has the slowest level since Labyrinth Zone, Sandopolis Zone... One of the few times I remember running out of time in a Sonic game.)

-9 - Kekcroc

-8 - CrazyBus

1 - Sonic 2

(Sega "fixing" camera run ahead in S3k wasn't an improvement at all... I don't have much to say about this game besides the US winning as usual and being better than its brother, Sonic CD. I also credit it for solidifying that I'll probably never like Mario. I played this after playing Super Mario World and realized Sonic lets you have more freedom than Mario. You don't have to worry about getting hit and restarting the entire level because of rings and checkpoints and the secret areas are part of the levels instead of in a pipe, so they seem bigger. The later levels are trite though, it's like the game turns into Mega Man...)

2 - Sonic 1
3 - OutRun (again...) / OutRun 2019 / Turbo OutRun
4 - NBA (MONSTER!!!) Jam (Again...)
5 - Oh Mummy! (Genesis version)
6 - After Burner (...again...)

HM: Dynamite Headdy, Altered Beast, (All your list belongs to) Zero Wing, Outlander

OST: Sonic CD (JP), Sonic 3D Blast, Knuckles' Chaotix, Kid Chameleon
-12 - Banjo-Kazooie (+14 places for also potential favorite game ev4r, although I don't know if I'd even like it if I had to figure out all the puzzles on my own, a few of them aren't incredibly obvious. I'd probably also denounce this game entirely if it wasn't for that 31337 speedrun glitch on Rusty Bucket Bay.)
1 - DooM 64 (with D64 Retribution)
2 - F-Zero X (Feels like a prototype to GX)
3 - Cruis'n USA
4 - SpaceStation Silicon Valley

Played for nearly an hour but it was so boring the only reason I could imagine anyone likes it is because of nostalgia or they're MUCH more easily entertained or patient than I am: Majora's Mask
WARNING! Earth's core low levels of acceptability.
1 - Quarantine (Why has no one else tried making a driving DooM clone? Not very good, just the 3DO game that sucks the least [LGR, Atari 2600 Animal Games])
2 - Guardian War (Kinda cool)
3 - Immercenary (Almost feels like an MMO, too bad there'll never be a slightly less crap sequel...)
4 - The Life Stage (Aesthetics, man...)
5 - Twisted
5 - Seal of the Pharaoh (Weird, but not fun)
6 - Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Also, give this video a watch:
They probably made up for the $299 price with some of the best exclusives on just about any console... For list easy making-ness, none of these easy > +5 place games will be getting plus places :(

0 - Tony Hawk's 2
1 - Spyro 2
2 - Spyro the Dragon
3 - Tony Hawk's
4 - Tony Hawk's 3
5 - Fox Hunt
6 - Crash Team Racing (The rich man's kart racer)
--End of potential favorite games ev4rs--

7xx - Bushido Blade 2 (I like BB1 because it's simple in the way that it doesn't have many cutscenes and basic presentation. しかし, it has no honor system (which I would like if it was more accurate) and much more personality. What's a disco guy doing here? Wish they kept the sub, but the dub is entertaining.)

7 - Bushido Blade (Would be vastly better if it only made you restart a fight for being dishonorable, which I find usually happens for no reason and on the most unfair enemy in the game. Both games have great POV modes, if only because you don't have to aim.)

7x - NFL Blitz (He's going postal!)
8 - Jet Moto 3
7 - Colin McCrae Rally 2.0
8 - PaRappa the Rapper / Um Jammer Lammy (There's no way the scoring system is any sort of fair...)
9 - ParanoiaScape
9 - World's Scariest Police Chases
10 - Motor Toon Racer (
11 - Monster Rancher 2
12 - LSD DE (Unplayed, feels haunted...)
12 - Final Fantasy VII (Translator guy is a hero!)
13 - Roll Away
15 - Medal Of Honor
16 - Road Rash

17 - Wipeout XL (Wipeout's the most stylish game series I know, has some of the best soundtracks along with Wipeout Fusion, but for some reason it's a combat racing game with turns that are almost always too sharp unless it's an easy track. I'd probably like it more if it was a sim racer (if a sim racer for imaginary vehicles can even exist))

18 - Any Tekken game (Fighting games are all the same, and I suck at most of them. [Possible exceptions are DBFZ and KoF 2002.])

HM: Apocalypse, Any Cool Boarders game, Ape Escape, Croc, Klonoa, R4: Ridge Racer 4, Syphon Filter, Crash 1->3

Games that are crap because tank controls: Lara Craft, President Evil
Non-exclusive 6th gen games go here. This or 7th gen were probably the last great console generations. Besides exclusives, the PS2's my pick for the best console ever seeing how it can play almost every game from its last generation and it has plenty of games worth playing and most of them have acceptable to great 3D graphics....Granted, most of them are also rough around the edges in some way.

-10 - Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando
(These 2 RC games are my favorite PS2 games that I own, even though RC2 kicked my ass at first because I only got one armor upgrade for some reason.)
-9 - Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal
1 - Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
2 - Gran Turismo 4 (Which Turismo is better? I don't know.)

3 - THUG 2 (Less bargain bin PC game feeling than THUG 1, missions that don't all require a cutscene, it's great!)

4 - Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

(I don't know what happened to Naughty Dog after this game. The world is massive, it's got perfect difficulty, it's mostly well-designed, good atmosphere - everything that, Jak II at least, doesn't have. At worst, Boggy Swamp being all maze-like is bad, and Volcanic Crater making you use either very slow mine carts or walking on the hole-ridden train tracks to get to important levels is stupid. Also, getting 100% doesn't really get you anything besides sequel baiting, which being in the future, just means the death of the Jak series.)

7 - Bully

8 - THUG [As loads of people before me have found out, I'm pretty sure no one tested that near-impossible (without grinding) !!required!! Russia mission on Sick.]

9 - FlatOut 2
10 - Ratchet & Clank: Deadlocked
11 - Burnout 3
12 - Kingdom Hearts II
10 - Crash Nitro Kart
1? - Psychonauts
1? - Shadow of the Colossus (This game would be awesome if I didn't need GameFAQs to avoid spending an hour trying to figure out how to kill the colossi. Although in the case GameFAQs didn't exist, I probably woulldn't bother at all.)
1? - Kingdom Hearts
1? - Midnight Club 2
11 - Soul Calibur 2
12 - Wipeout Fusion
12 - DMC 3 (-? for boring levels, but the fighting's supremely awesome)

21 - Need For Speed: Underground

(-18 for rubberband land. Trying to play what, the second or third championship's? last race on hard made me lose my gourd. I've played it on Xbox and PC and I've never gotten close to beating it.)

22 - Underground 2 (-19 for no fast travel and harsher money system than Underground 1)

HM: Spider-Man 2 (I only own 3 in actual...), Soul Calibur II

I own a PS2, but I've only had it for a year or two now. Ironic since I love the PS2, I know... I wish you could still buy 6th or even 5th gen games at a GameStop, but suburban gamers don't care about those consoles anymore, they just get fat and dye their hair! That, and use emulators.
Gamecubes are for people that like Nintendo. Most games on it are either on another console, missing (Burnout 3 not family friendly, Nintendo?), or are made by Nintendo themselves. I'm sure plenty of games will be here!!

1 - F-Zero GX (If you're a Nintendo-hater like I am and you've never played this, get it! I say that because it doesn't work well on emulators, so you might have to get a DaveCube. It's so non-boring and the soundtrack (Disc 2, anyway) is so good that I forget it's a Nintendo game.)

2 - Warioware Inc. (Also only favorite GBA game! The SAdvance games are almost as cheap as an NES game and YGO:STTDD is almost definitely using rubberband. Or, card-band.)

Cancel your nostalgia trip already, this game sucks!: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

I have a Gamecube, but the controller sucks (borken C-stick) and I don't have an AV cable for it, just one of those satanic composite cables.
▲ ■ ● ✖
Coolest 6th gen console, so perhaps coolest console ever? Bad controllers, though. I got a cramp just using the Duke S, so I'd hate to use the real Duke... It's my second favorite 6th gen console! I don't think I'd like most of the games on the Gamecube and the Dreamcast kind of just (f*cking) sucks. Loads of bad bargain bin games, it's like the Wii of the late 90s.

0 - Halo 2 (-1, Made me see why people like Halo so much, if only for the fact that it has no health packs. Funnily enough, dying pretty much instantly when your sheild runs out is easier than dealing with health in Halo CE. Or maybe they just increased how many checkpoints there were. I could also swear some parts get easier/less enemies spawn when you die. Very good, Arbiter shoots different guns at the guy depending on your inventory plus you can see your own legs (dafuq??). Only wish it auto-saved and had sound options (unless I'm missing them) Not like it's the biggest game on the Xbox or anything...)

1 - Rallisport Challenge 2
2 - Forza Motorsport (≤ Both PS2 Gran Turismo games. I've played FM4 and FM7, and it seems Forza's better when it's copying GT.)
3 - Amped 2 (even though it's a pita...)
4 - Project Gotham Racing
5 - JSRF
(-2 for confusing [for me, anyway] levels, weird trick controls, and a combo system that cancels if you're in the air. In fact, I wonder if it even IS a combo system. When I was younger, I loved JSR and JSRF despite never playing it thanks to S&SASR.)

6 - Halo (No wonder everyone only knows the MP side of Halo CE, the campaign sucks simply because you have to worry about your shield AND your non-replenishing health that can only be restored from health packs that might as well be easter eggs.)

Not only do I own an Xbox, but it's likely the first console I ever played on. I don't know what happened to its original controller, though. I had a crappy Gamestop one for a while before I got an S controller.
Generally, I think reading some random guy's opinions is a waste of time, but some people like hearing (or reading) what random people think about stuff...for some reason. If you see this and cares what I think, sign the guestbook (above) or message me on one of the links in the warp zone and I'll write even moar, fix the layout, rewrite some things to be less retarded (Unless the writing is perfect, which I doubt...) and correct the number scheme. Some of these probably suck because I wrote them when I was a tired sack of lump. Also, I hate using "play", it makes it seem like games are for kids or something. Probably DOAWK's fault.
Rules for the list. They're probably crappy, if my site got any visitors, maybe I'd update them or something. Speaking of crappy, the numbering is broken on some of these.

Concept - Barely if ever played, but I like something about it enough to list it as a favorite.

HM - Games that are fine or notable, but not a favorite.

+x - Something crap

-x - Used to put games in negatives, away from the plebeian normal numbers.

If a console isn't here, it's because it sucks. Notably, the Master System and the Saturn. NiGHTS is too confusing, and Sonic R would've made me want a N64 back in the 90s if it wasn't for the PSX. "What about Alex Kidd?" You're kidding!
1- Blackjack (Fairest form of gambling, wish I could go to Vegas...)

2 - Yu-Gi-Oh!? (-1 for never actually played IRL, and I stop caring about it after Synchro was added, and YGO started requiring a university course to understand. I remember a time when monster descriptions were just flavour text and you couldn't summon 30 monsters in one turn...)
Real Games, not virtual Nintendo arcade bullshit!!!!
1 - Penguin Wars
2 - Donkey Kong Jr. (I think, anyway. The one with all the levels)
HW - Kid Dracula
Game Boy
5/15/2023 3:25, 18h 42m 20s (according to Procrastitracker)

Having made the best Amazoness ever and being the best Diablo II player ever, I didn't die to Diablo or Baal. ...I did die once to every other big boss, though. I also died once to a normal monster in Act III and another time in Act V. Embarrassing, I know...)
1 - GTA III [The most negatively 6th-gen game I've ever played! By that, I mean, you know how loads of 6th gen games have little quirks that are kind of annoying or make the game harder? ...Alright, by that, I think I just mean bad design. GTA III is pretty much just ALL bad design for everything that matters. You can't restart missions and have to go all the way back to the mission giver if you fail or die, your enemies will always shoot you first because the auto-aim sucks ass, and you have to pray that it aims at the guy you want it to aim at. That means you'll die a lot since, despite programming the game to only let you get shot a few times before you croak, Rockstar treats health pickups like secrets in this game! Oh, and the gang members you HAVE to piss off to progress will try to take you out of your car and/or shoot at you if they see you, just to annoy you even more. I know this is Rockstar's first 3D game, but it could easily be much better designed than THIS. If I ever finish this game, I'll suspect I'll either have joined a BDSM club or I'm being forced to play it in Hell.]

2 - Superman 64 [Everyone knows S64! I only play it for a few minutes whenever I do, but I hate it enough to put it here.]

3 - Banjo-Tooie [Mostly fine until Rare decided putting in puzzles that you have to backtrack for was a good idea. That means you can never be sure if you can do a puzzle or not, especially when some of them require a move similar to one from BK or involves a situation that seems like it could be solved with an old move. Even if you think you can do it, you can't because of Rare overcomplicated things for no reason. And as most people already know, the maps are WAY too big for their own good.]

4 - Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 [Absolutely beautiful, but pretty boring. Why's it on this list? Because you have to buy some third-party DLC that costs $20 to make Las Vegas actually look like Las Vegas... On another note, you can't even crash your plane. Last I checked, planes weren't indestructible in real life...)

5 - Jak II
[I own Jak II and remembered not liking it much, but I couldn't remember why. I only had to play it for five minutes to remember why I didn't like it - you get guns (one's even on the box art), but you can't strafe, so they're a coin flip between them being completely useless or extremely annoying to use, so melee's usually a better (and riskier) option. I even looked in the manual to see if I missed the strafe button. Maybe they fixed that in Jak 3, but I can't be bothered to buy it. After I played Jak 1 and saw what a great platforming series Jak could've been if Naughty Dog didn't make it all edgy, I just got sad. If you remember what I wrote earlier, it's got monstrous difficulty, a mixed identity between being goofy and being serious, and if you can't tell from the strafing thing, relatively bad design. It'd probably benefit from upgradable health like Ratchet & Clank had, maybe it'd be more bearable.

(The IGN review for Lost Frontier says that even in 200-freakin'-9 Naughty Dog hadn't figured out the complex science of lock-on in a 3rd person game with guns, so I guess they never added strafing in a Jak game...)

Thought I'd like Jak X, but after playing it for a while, I realized it's got some of the worst handling I've ever seen in a racing game, and I've played NFS 2015. It feels like driving an oversized dune buggy I suppose, but that just means it's annoying. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, when will Naughty Dog make Last of Us Part X: Combat Racing? It's still kind of bazaar knowing Naughty Dog makes serious realistic games now...]
6 - ?
Bad game (Any console, in order but it doesn't matter)
Beam.NG (PC)

Postal 2 (PC)

Quake (PC) [Fantastically designed, very fun, should be great, right? Well it's NOT. Not for me, anyway - I either get motion sickness, a headache, or both whenever I try to play it. It's like forbidden fruit, I acn only play it if I want to feel like shit for the rest of the day...]

Unreal Tournament (PC) (Probably the best MP shooter ever, said by a guy that only plays against bots on Turbo mode.)

Need For Speed: High Stakes (PC)
V-Rally II (PC)

Trackmania United / Nations (PC, since FH4 is going to “disappear” soon, probably my favorite racing game. (United, anyway) is stupidly overpriced on Steam, it should be $10 max.)

Team Fortress 2 (PC, most played Steam game! Mostly 2fort since I hate respawn timers. Good game, but you have to be a massive nerd to have been playing for 5+ years and still caring about tryhardy BS like the meta despite TF2 not having a meaningful update in nearly a decade.)

Half-Life 2 (PC)
Garry's Mod (PC, 2nd most played Steam game and the first one I ever bought! I just shoot things all the time though, so I'm not creative.)

CS: Source (against bots) (PC, CSS's bots are incredibly stupid, but their aimbotting abilities on hard and expert will keep you on your toes. It's also very funny to hear their death sounds.)

[Portal's alright, but I don't see why everyone loves it so much. Near the end of the game sucks; everything looks the same, and it's easy to get lost.]

Minecraft (PC/Console)

[Bedrock, of course. ...Holy crap, I think I just made the joke of the century! Seriously, though, I wish I could like Minecraft without using mods. You'd think Mojang would be doing something with all that Microsoft money.]

Forza Horizon 2 (X360 & XBone)
(The last Horizon game to actually feel like a festival, but not exactly the best. Multiplayer open world adds a lot to Horizon, as well as actually getting enough money from races to spend on cars.)

Forza Horizon 4 (XBone)
[I'll always hate FH5 for not having ranked (not to mention having terrible and bland corpo-writing, which I guess FH4 also has). If you're reading this before it's delisted, let my recommendation of "one of the top 3 racing games I've ever played" encourage you to buy it. I can't even play ranked on PC because matchmaking's broken, but choosing a random car to drive, dicking around, and doing pretty much whatever you want is still fun.)

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 / OpenRCT2 (PC)

Diablo II (PC)

EDOPro (Project Ignis) (PC)

Hunt the Wumpus (Web) (

Increlution (PC)

Untangle / Treksit (Web) (
~sgtatham/puzzles/js/untangle.html) (

LOEK (Steam)

Nascar Heat ? (I can't remember which one, but during my XBone days, I played the multiplayer during a free weekend and it's about the craziest racing game experience I may ever have. It's utter carnage; SuperGT would have a field day with it...)

One Finger Death Punch (PC)

CoD: Infinite Warfare (XBone) (I think anyone that doesn't like IW's never actually played it. Maybe I'm biased because it was the first CoD game I've ever played, but I played Bo3 and Bo4 around the time I played IW and I didn't like them as much. I dunno, maybe I just liked FTL's Perception thing too much. Also the first (and only) game I bought a season pass for.)

Overwatch (XBone) (Maybe more bias, being a game I wanted to play for a long time and the first multiplayer console game I ever played after escaping Wifi-less XB360 purgatory. Apparently, I've only played it for 266 hours, which is less than I thought. With the fact that I got bored with OW eventually and this OW 2 BS Blizzard's doing, I doubt I'd like it anymore.)

Hypixel Skyblock (Only first-person MMO? Without writing a whole review, I'd probably only have played this for a few minutes if there weren't minions that could make money for you. Many questionable decisions, many unnecessary restrictions, very tedious, but digital markets are always interesting)

Fantasy Zone (Sega Master System) [I fricken hate one hit kill 3rd gen games, but it's hard to say a shoot em up/Defender mash up game isn't at least mildly fun. The bosses suck, they take a while to get to and are hard to figure out on your first try, so you'll probably just run out of lives.]

Onrush (XBone/PC) (I wouldn't reccomend playing it because Codemasters are the biggest dumbasses ever and pulled a Concord. Pretty much dead, if only there were a such thing as making your multiplayer-focused game free to gain players...
I would reccomend listening to Crevasse, one of the Qemists' best trax.)
Wish list:

Psychonauts (X)
Phantom Dust (X)
Sly Cooper (2)
Arx Fatalis (X)
KOF 2002 UM (2)
Obscure (PC games)
I love finding old/crappy looking games!
Atomic Tanks


Sonic: Time Twisted (Not old OR crappy looking...)
Most DOS games are made for nerds that don't mind if a game has terrible controls, terrible gameplay, terrible UI, or all 3. Still, DOS has loads of games I think are awesome, but I'd probably never play them for even half an hour. The numbered ones are ones I'd play for over half an hour!
0 - The Adventures of Ninja Nanny & Sherrloch Sheltie
1 - DooM
2 - DooM 2
3 - Strife
4 - Lode Runner
5 - Cross Country Canada
5 - Simcity Classic
6 - Lemmings
7 - Duke Nukem 1
8 - Oregon Trail
9 - Stunts (in a world without, Flatout, or frankly, any racing game since the 5th gen, I'd probably think this game was awesome!)
10 - Vette! (this game, too!)
11 - Quarantine
Corncob 3D (Maybe if I had a flight stick...)
Quake (makes me sick, literally!)
Duke Nukem 3D (same thing, this time with map designs somehow more confusing than DooM.)
Commander Keen (one hit deaths, fun!)
SimCity 2000 (Looks much better than SC Classic, plays much worse. Seriously, why don't zones show if they're powered or not like SCC did...? Don't even get me started on the absurdly vague water system.)
Sam & Max / Monkey Island / King's Quest IV / Space Quest (Adventure games... AGs have usually have great writing and are pretty funny, but it's like the game designers for them were on holiday.)
Wolf3D (Did anyone in the 90s think mazes were fun?)
Sound chips (What consoles are these for? Use Oceanhero or Ecosia, treetard...):

1. Yamaha YM2612
2. Ricoh 2A03
3. Yamaha YM3812
4. Yamaha YMF262
5. N64 CPU
6. Sony SPU for PSX (and other CD-quality things)
Sound chips
Welcome to you're DooM!

Doom 2

Doom 64 (Doom 3)

Doom 3 (Should've been a re-boot just called Doom or another game entirely)

Doom 2016 (Should've been called Doom: Phobos or something...)

Doom Eternal (Alright as-is, I suppose...)
Virtual Boy (ultimate classic system)
Authentic experience-worthy games (Would buy the console for...)

1 - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Sega Genesis & maybe a tower of power) [I guess also for StH1 and 2...]

2 - Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) [I guess also for Adventure Island 2, maybe one of the most NES NES games I know. If I had it, maybe I'd actually try beating it. {I also also gues for Super Mario Bros...}

3 - Missile Command and Yars' Revenge (Atari 2600) [I guess also for most other Atari games, providing they don't suck.]

4 - Spyro 1 & 2, THPS 1-3 (Sony PSX) [I guess also for most games in the PSX list.]

5 - Banjo-Kazooie (N64) [This would've been higher a while back, but then I realized I bearly play this game that often.]

--Added for fun--

6 - Immercenary (3DO) [Would be higher if there were any other games worth playing on the 3DO that weren't somewhere else...and that this one's also one of the ones probably not worth playing.]

7 - Gran Turismo 3 & 4, Ratchet & Clank 2 & 3 (PS2) [Done that already, haven't I?]

8 - Gran Turismo 6 (PS3) [Holy nuts, PS3s are way too expensive... I guess also for the Infamous games, which I've never even played.]
Since they aren't on this list, Sonic games that I don't think suck are: Mania, Generations and Adventure 1. Haven't played Frontiers, but it looks fine. Haven't played S&SASR or Transformed in forever, but I remember them having a distinct smell of not suckage. I kind of like Sonic 06, but it's way too unfinished to say it doesn't suck. Not to mention it takes forever to manage to save anything.)
Immersive games, or maybe just more games in general, should support steering wheels if they've got cars! Looking at GTA V and Cyberpunk...
1 - Sonic Adventure (I've always thought this was the SM64 of Sonic games. It's incredibly open, full of glitches and weird physics to take advantage of, and it looks like crap. I've no idea why, the Dreamcast was a 6th gen console, so you'd think Sega would try making their main game (at the time) look good like they did with SA2. It'd be hard to say that the crap graphics aren't charming, though. Just like the cutscenes, with their weird face-morphing and unnecessarily slow pacing. Either way, it's one of my top 10 Sonic games, if that means anything to ya. All's well that ends well, eh, reader? It also introduced Ryan Drummond's Sonic, which is how Sonic should've always sounded if Sega didn't keep hiring (pretty good) new guys for some reason... If only they got Jaleel White came back to voice Sonic, which may or may not actually be that goofy. Funnily enough, I think SM64 is the first time Mario had a voice in-game, too.)

1.5 - Seaman (Never played since you need a microphone and talking into an object makes me feel daft. Likely very relaxing when it came out and is still one of the most unique games I know. The sexy Seaman has many different responses, is quite philosophical, and has an eye for the future, and supports SEGA® products. Even today, I'm sure he'd give someone who plays it proper life advice.)

2 - PenPen Triicelon (Interesting and very fun racing game from a time when developers blew all their cash on stylization, but that's not entirely surprising for a Dreamcast exclusive. Probably better as a party game, since there's only four levels that I'd imagine anyone would get tired of after playing them for a while solo. Also has loads of cosmetics for some reason, proto hat simulator?? Wish it got a sequel...)

3 - Crazy Taxi

Others: Shenmue (Thought I'd like this game, got stuck when you're meant to find that one dude...somewhere.)
Jet Set Radio (Was unique until JSRF was an Xbox exclusive...)
Space Channel 5 (Never played, interesting, though.)

Much like SA1, the Dreamcast pretty much sucks, but Sega managed to at least make it charming with their adverts and unique exclusives, though back when it came out, I couldn't imagine it'd draw you to a DC rather than a PS2 or an Xbox.
6th Gen (WIP)

1 - Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix

2 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted
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